UNPLUG for the Holidays?

No technology wordleclassiccutie

The Holiday Season (Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or .. ) is one of the most celebrated times all around the world.  Some of the classic traditions have been lost over time but can easily be restored if you decide to have a classic Holiday surrounded by family, a warm and cozy fireplace and snacks that bring back memories of how simple things were. UNPLUG this Holiday Season!  We have some UNPLUGGIN IDEAS.   If you have more, please add them to this blog.

Have a Classic Holiday Party!


Can you picture a Holiday Party from the 1950’s?    The ladies dressed in their finery, the men in hats?  Begin with a formal dinner setting, complete with cloth napkins.  Challenge your guests to dress in 1950’s style to add just the right amount of bling.

Have a Classic Holiday Dinner!


The two words Holiday dinner evoke memories of happy meals around a large table, with family members not seen all year long.  Piles of warm rolls, tender green beans, potatoes dripping with gravy, and the centerpiece turkey.    This year, add some classic menu items like sweet potato casserole, chesnuts, and egg nog.    And, leave the cell phones (and other gadgets) in the designated gadget room, and close the door!

Have a REAL Classic Tree!


Although most people now use a fake tree, a popular tradition was to use a real pine tree.  The smell they provide brings forth an atmosphere that makes it that much more memorable.  Visit a tree farm, find the perfect tree, UNPLUG, and decorate the tree together.

Have a Classic Holiday Fireside Celebration!


This may be harder to accomplish but the feeling of a fireplace and a family sitting around it is one of the most memorable Holiday moments a family can have. Sitting by the fire can be the perfect way to spend the day, eating snacks and watching your children open their presents with joy and happiness. Hanging stockings the day before is one of the oldest traditions and goes back many years, it can be a great way to gift your family small treats that they can enjoy during UNPLUGGED time.  You can even design your own stockings and make it a family activity.

Have some Classic Holiday Family Time!

The Holidays are a time to make memorable family moments and enjoy the company of your loved ones, where real world problems like work and financial problems aren’t there to haunt you.  For just a few hours, you can feel the joy of spending time with your family in a cozy and warm room.   Your children won’t be distracted by their smartphones and new gadgets, and will focus on talking about their year and just show their appreciation for one another.  There is no warmer feeling than spending a classic UNPLUGGED Holiday with your family.

Who wants to UNPLUG this year?  We wish each of you a very special Holiday season full of UNPLUGGED memory-making moments!





  1. This felt nostalgic and warm. Great reminders for creating more great memories and life joy. Blessings darling.

  2. I must be old fashioned because we do unplug for the holidays 🙂 And I’m about to start cooking the entire traditional Thanksgiving feast!
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful one!

  3. Love these unplugged throw-back ideas. Sometimes we just have to force ourselves to unwind. Thanks!

    • Yes, sad, but we do need to force ourselves. The phone has never made us closer, yet more distant. Hope you get some unplugged time!

  4. What beautiful memories and warmth you conjured up in this post, Robin. Spending quality time with family is one of the best feelings there is and the quality comes in when we’re truly engaged with each other and not distracted by our gadgets.

  5. Unplugged sounds delightful! I do not allow phones at the table, but will plan on more “unplugged” times to keep us all present. Thank you for this beautiful post!

    • Glad you enjoyed the post. It is sad that we have to make an effort to unplug, but once we do, it is so pleasant. I find that most actually like it when they try it:)

  6. My daughter loves making a fire over the holidays and plays seasonal music as well. We have a small family and do not ‘officially’ celebrate Christmas, but we do unplug and enjoy the time we spend together sharing an ‘old fashioned’ meal. Thanks, Robin, for the reminders and suggestions on how to maximize the holidays and to take some time to stop and enjoy the moments without technology.

  7. Robin.
    A great article that really got me in the mood for holidays and Christmas I love, too. Thanks for your suggestions about taking time to be with family. I definitely work a lot, but want to spend more time with my family.

    Lori English

    • Glad the article got you in the mood. As entrepreneurs, we could work endlessly, and I do need that reminder to unplug.

  8. Sonya Kolodziejska

    Me Me Me! I want to unplug. I am super excited that i am not hosting Christmas this year. We are travelling to London to stay with my brother and his partner instead. I have every intention of leaving my phone on my room and unplugging and simply enjoying being my kid and my family.

  9. Really good ideas, I like Christmas for this reason…to unplug, have a nice dinner, enjoy parties with friends, gave a Christmas tree, etc. ☺

  10. These are all super ideas. I love the ’50s party one. Now my cats, on the other hand, would love the real classic tree. I compromised — I bought a little (like 3 inches tall) poinsettia and have it in a place of honor up high where the cats can’t see it.

  11. These are wonderful ideas for what to do at the holidays! I wish I could have a real Christmas tree but can not because I have cats lol But going to a few parties that I would love 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  12. Glad you enjoyed the ideas, and great point about the cats. I hope you have a fabulous holiday season!

  13. ALL meals in our house, require NO technology at the table anyhow. We used to get a fake tree but my man wants fresh so we get a real one… and decorate as a family

    • You are blessed! We played games after the thanksgiving meal, and folks resisted leaving the phones alone, but we insisted, and they survived several hours unplugged:)

  14. This is a great idea particularly the unplugging. Imagine, the number of hours we have been in tech toys for the whole year. Holidays are the best time to chill and have some serious time for oneself and also for family.

  15. We are so connected technology wise, that we have to be reminded to how to connect by being unplugged. I remember those older than me reminiscing about the simple holidays, Now, it’s our turn to create them. Thanks for a lovely post.

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